Automated emails

From this page you can manage all the email templates for automated / transactional emails such as order confirmations.

Managing the available Automated Emails

1. From the Dashboard click Store setup


2. Then click Automated email

The Email notifications page displays.


Email Templates

There are nine email notification templates available for you to use:

Email TemplateDescription
Order notificationSent to store owner for every order when activated
Order confirmationSent when a customer successfully places their order
Invoice orderSent when the store admin clicks "Email invoice" on invoice orders page
RefundSent when any refund is done on an order and "notify customer" is selected
Abandoned checkoutSent when a customer abandoned checkout before payment
Shipping confirmationSent when a tracking number is added and or any items are set to shipped
Account detailsSent when an order is made with account details such as login/password
New gift cardSent when a gift card is issued, generated or purchased
Store inviteSent when you invite a new staff member to your store admin panel

Setting Notification Emails

By default all email notifications are enabled.

To review and edit a notification template follow the steps below:

1. Click the Email notification bar

The expanded view for the selected notification displays.


2. Enter the email setup options:

From name: Enter your store name

From email: This is pulled from the email address you entered in General Settings

Subject: The subject default is the notification template name, you can override this if required

Type of email: Select plain text or HTML

Email body: Edit or enter the body of the email (see below)



Email Body Example (Order notification)

Hello {{ store_name }},
{{ order.full_name }} has ordered from your store, {{ order.order_date|date }}:

{% for cartItem in order.cart %}
{{ cartItem.text }}
{% endfor %}

Method of payment processing:
{{ order.payment_method }}

Shipping address:
{{ order.shipping_street }}
{{ order.shipping_city }}, {{ order.shipping_state }} {{ order.shipping_zip }}
{{ order.shipping_country_name }}
{{ }}

3. You can add additional variables to your email by clicking View all available email variables



Template Variables

Only variables relevant to the current template will be displayed.

4. Copy and paste variables back into your email body as needed


5. Click Save