Issued gift cards

Managing Gift Cards
Manually Issuing a Gift Card
Editing a Gift Card
Filtering Gift Cards

Managing Gift Cards

All purchased, generated and issued gift cards are managed from Store Setup>Issued Gift Cards.


Click Store setup, then Issued Gift Cards

The Issued Gift Cards page shows a list of all purchased, generated, and issued gift cards. The table below shows the differences between the three types of gift cards.

IssuedManually added via the Issued Gift Cards page
PurchasedGift card purchased from your store
GeneratedGift card generated via Automated Gift Card Campaigns as part of a promotion

Manually Issuing a Gift Card

Clicking Store Setup>Issued Gift Cards displays an empty Issued Gift Cards page, if you have not issued a gift card set yet. Otherwise, you will see a list of all issued gift cards on the page.

To start issuing your first gift card, see To Issue Your First Gift Card.

To issue another gift card, see To Issue a Gift Card.

To Issue Your First Gift Card###

  1. On the Issued Gift Cards page, click the Issue a gift card button at the bottom.

Click the Issue a gift card button

  1. On the Issue a Gift Card window, enter the gift card value.
  2. Optionally, you may select an expiration date by pointing your cursor over the expiration date box, then selecting the date on the calendar.



Expiry date must be set to any date in the future. Otherwise, there will be an error when saving the record.

  1. Enter the email address of the person to be issued with the gift card.
  2. By default, the Email subject line is set to New gift card. You may change this if you want.
  3. The default message is already entered on the Message box. You may change or edit this if you want.
  4. Click Send.

Click Send after entering the required information on the Issue a Gift Card window

A message appears after a successful save. You are then taken back to the Issued Gift Cards page, where the gift card you just issued is displayed and tagged as Not Used.


The issued gift card is added to the Issued Gift Cards page

To Issue More Gift Cards###

The steps for issuing more gift cards to your store are essentially the same as the steps for issuing your first gift card (see To Issue Your First Gift Card), except that you click the Issue a Gift Card button on the top left of the Issued Gift Cards page.


Click the Issue a gift card button on the top left of the Issued Gift Cards page

Editing a Gift Card

If status of gift card is unused, the amount and expiration date of the gift card can still be edited after its issuance.

You can also disable an unused gift card. Disabling effectively means that your store will not accept the gift card. A disabled gift card can be re-enabled.

A gift card can no longer be edited once it is used.

To Edit a Gift Card's Amount and Expiration Date
To Disable a Gift Card
To Re-Enable a Disabled Gift Card

To Edit the Amount and Expiration Date###

  1. On your Admin panel, click Store Setup>Issued Gift Cards.
  2. On the Issued Gift Cards page, click the gift card to be edited from the list.
  3. To edit the amount, click the Edit link to the right of the Amount box. Enter the new amount, then click Apply.

Click Edit to change either the Amount or Expiry Date

  1. To edit the expiration date, click the Edit link to the right of the Expiration box. Select the new date from the calendar, then click Apply.



Expiry date must be set to any date in the future. Otherwise, there will be an error when saving the record.

To Disable a Gift Card###

  1. On your Admin panel, click Store Setup>Issued Gift Cards.
  2. On the Issued Gift Cards page, click the gift card to be disabled from the list.
  3. Click the Disable gift card button on the bottom. A message appears on top saying that the gift card has been disabled, and the Disable gift card button is renamed to the Enable gift card button.

Click Disable gift card

To Re-Enable a Disabled Gift Card###

  1. On your Admin panel, click Store Setup>Issued Gift Cards.
  2. On the Issued Gift Cards page, click the gift card to be enabled from the list.
  3. Click the Enable gift card button on the bottom. A message appears on top saying that the gift card has been enabled, and the Enable gift card button is renamed to the Disable gift card button.

Click Enable gift card

Filtering Gift Cards

By default, the Issued Gift Cards page displays all gift cards, regardless of whether these are manually issued, purchased, or generated. The gift cards are sorted by descending order, with the latest product entered showing first. You can apply a filter on the Issued Gift Cards page to display only certain gift cards.

To Filter Gift Cards
To Save a View
To Run a Saved View

To Filter Gift Cards###

  1. On your Admin panel, click Store setup>Issued Gift Cards.
  2. To apply a filter on the list of gift cards, click the Issued Gift Cards link at the top.
  3. By default, the View All filter is applied on the page. Click either Used or Unused to filter the list by used or unused gift cards.
  4. Alternatively, you may filter by type (manually issued, purchased, or generated by campaign), email address, code, amount, generated date, and expiry date to narrow down your search.

For amount, you will have to select a condition (greater than, less than, or equal to) before you can enter the amount on the box to the right.

For generated date and expiry date, you can select from the given range of options, from All time to current date. You can even select a custom period, which allows you to select a date range on a calendar.

  1. Click Refine View. The gift cards that meet the filter criteria you entered in either Steps 3 or 4 are then displayed on the screen.

Click Refine View

To Save a View###

Views of gift cards to which filters have been applied can be saved. These saved views can then be used to filter the Issued Gift Cards page in the future.

  1. Filter the Issued Gift Card page (see To Filter Gift Cards).
  2. Click Save View to add to your list of saved views.

Click Save View

To Run a Saved View###

  1. Click the Issued Gift Cards link at the top of the Issued Gift Cards page.
  2. Click a saved view from your list of saved views.

Click a saved view from the list